Abbreviation |
A.A. |
Always Afloat |
a.d. |
Ante diem/before date |
A.F. |
Advance Freight |
A.H. |
After Hatch |
A.P. |
Additional Premium |
a/c |
Account |
A/C |
Account current |
A/d |
After date |
a/s (economics) |
At sight |
A/S (sea freight) |
Alongside |
A/S (trade) |
Account Sale |
A/S (banking) |
Account Sales/After sight |
A/V |
Ad valorem |
Acc |
Accepted,Acceptance |
ad/advt |
Advocate |
Afft. |
Affidavit |
aflt. |
Afloat |
AI |
First class |
Alt. |
Alternate |
amt. |
Amount |
an. |
Anno |
Anch. |
Anchorage |
arbtn./ arbtror |
Arbitration/Arbitrator |
art. |
Article |
assd. |
Assessed |
Assigt. |
Assignment |
Assn. |
Association |
Att. Gen. |
Attorney General |
att.At.,/ Atty. |
Attorney |
Awb |
Airwaybill |
B.B. |
Bill Book |
B.B.B. |
Before Breaking Bulk |
b.d. (banking) |
Bills discounted/Bank draft |
B.D. |
Bar Draught |
B.D.I. |
Both Dates Inclusive |
B.E. |
Both ends, at both load/ discharge ports |
B.O.T. |
Board of Trade |
b.p. |
By procuration (power of attorney) |
B.U. |
Buyer's option |
B/C |
Bills for collection |
B/Ch. |
Bristol Channel |
b/d |
Broughtdown |
B/E |
Bill of Exchange |
B/G |
Bonded goods |
B/H |
Bil1 of Health/Bulkhead |
B/N |
Banknote |
B/P (banking) |
Bills payable |
B/P (trade) |
Bill payable |
B/R |
Bills receivable |
B/S (sea freight) |
Bill of Sale |
B/T |
Berth terms |
B/S (b.s) (banking) |
Bill of Sale/Balance Sheet |
bal. |
Balance |
Bd. |
Bond |
Bds. |
Boards |
bkpt. |
Bankrupt |
bre. |
Barrel |
Bs/c |
Bills of collection |
c |
Currency/Cents/Case/ |
C and D |
Collection and Delivery |
C. B. |
Cash Credit |
C. div. |
Cumulative dividend |
C.a.D. |
Cash against documents |
C.b.d. |
Cash before delivery |
c.d. |
Cash discount/Certificate of deposit |
C.F. |
Cost and Freight |
C.G. |
Coast Guard |
C.G.A. |
Cargo's proportion of General Average |
C.H. |
Custom House |
C.i.a. |
Cash in advance |
C.I.F. |
Cost, Insurance, Freight |
C.I.F.c.and I. |
Cost insurance, Freight, Commission and Interest |
C.L. |
Carload Lot |
C.O.D. |
Cash on Delivery |
C.O.P. |
Custom of the Port |
C.o.S. |
Cash on shipment |
C.P.D. |
Charterers Pay Dues |
c.r. |
Current rate |
c.r.m. |
Cash by return mail/Cash on receipt of merchandise |
c.r.s. |
Cash by return steamer |
c.w.o. |
Cash with order |
C/A |
Capital account |
c/f |
Carried forward |
C/H |
Clearing House |
c/m |
Certificate of manufacture |
C/n |
Certificate of Origin |
C/N (trade) |
Credit Note |
C/N (banking) |
Credit Note |
c/o |
Care of/Cash order |
C/P |
Charter Party |
Carr.pd. (cge.pd.) |
Carriage paid |
cash b/I |
Cash against bill of lading |
Cash. |
Cashier |
cd. Sl |
Conditional sale |
ch.ppd. |
Charges prepaid |
chq. |
Cheque |
cl.b/l |
Clean bill of lading |
cld. |
Cleared |
Coll. |
Collect/collection |
Conf. |
Confirm/confirmed |
Cons.cert. |
Consular certificate |
ctf. |
Certified/certificate |
Ctge. |
Cartage |
curr. |
Current/Currency |
D / D |
Demand Draft |
D / N |
Debit Note |
D.1/2 D. |
Despatch half Demurrage |
D.a. (banking) |
Documents against acceptance |
D.a.d. |
Documents against discretion of collecting bank |
D.A. (trade) |
Deposit account |
D.A.F. |
Delivery at Frontier |
d.b.k. |
Drawback |
d.d.o. |
Despatch Discharging only |
D.F. |
Dead Freight |
D.L.O. |
Despatch Loading Only |
D.P.B. |
Deposit pass-book |
d.s. |
Days after sight |
D.W. |
Dead Weight |
D.W.C.C.C. |
Dead Weight Cargo Carry Capacity |
d/a |
Days after acceptance |
D/A (trade) |
Documents against Acceptance |
D/D |
Demand draft |
D/N |
Debit note |
D/O |
Delivery Order |
D/P |
Documents against Payment |
D/r |
Deposit receipt |
D/y |
Delivery |
deb. |
Debit |
Decl. |
Declaration/Declared |
Deft. |
Defendant |
Depr. |
Depreciation |
dft. |
Draft |
dft/a. |
Draft attached |
dft/c |
Clean draft |
Dis. |
Discount |
Distr. |
Distribute/Distributor |
Div. |
Dividend/Division |
do |
Ditto |
Dr. |
Drawer |
ds dft |
Sight draft/Date draft |
e.and o.e |
Errors and omissions excepted |
e.e. |
Errors excepted |
E.P.D. |
Excess Profit Duty |
E.T. A. |
Expected Time of Arrival |
E.T.D. |
Expected Time of Departure |
ea |
Each |
encl. |
Enclosure |
end. |
Endorsed/endorsement |
ex. |
Exchange |
Ex. int. |
Ex interest |
Ex.d.( ex.div.) |
Ex dividend (um) |
exl. |
Exclusive, excluding |
Ex Quay |
Ex Works |
F.A.C. |
Fast As Can |
F.a.q. |
Fair average quality |
F.A.S. |
Free Alongside Ship |
F.and.D. |
Freight and Demurrage |
f.b. |
Freight bill |
F.d. |
Free discharge |
F.g. |
Fully good |
f.i.a. |
Full interest admitted |
f.i.b. |
Free into bunkers |
F.I.O. |
Free In and Out |
F.I.O.S. |
Free In and Out, Stowed |
F.I.O.S.T. |
Free In and Out, Stowed and Trimmed |
f.o.c. |
Free of charge |
f.o.l. |
Free of interest |
F.O. |
Firm Offer |
F.O.B. |
Free On Board |
F.O.R. |
Free On Rail |
F.O.T. |
Free On Truck |
f. p. |
Fully paid |
F.P. |
Floating (open) policy |
F.T. (sea freight) |
Freight ton |
F.T. (sea freight) |
Free of Turn |
F.T. (sea freight) |
Full Terms |
F.T.W. |
Free Trade Wharf |
f.x. |
Foreign exchange |
fr.fwrd. |
Freight forward |
frt. coll. |
Freight collect |
frt.pp. |
Freight prepaid |
FRT. |
Freight |
g r. |
Gross |
G.M.B. |
Good merchantable brand |
G.R.T. |
Gross Register Tonnage |
gr. wt. |
Gross weight |
Gtee. |
Guarantee |
Gtee.(gtd ). |
Guarantee/Guaranteed |
H.O. |
Head Office |
H.P. |
Horse Power |
H.W.M. |
High Water Mark |
hrs. |
Hours |
İ. B. |
Invoice Book |
I.O.U. |
I owe you |
I/c |
In charge of |
I/F |
Insufficient funds |
İ/F |
Insufficient funds |
I/I |
Indorsement irregular |
Incl. |
Included, inclusive |
Inst. |
Instant (present month) |
Irr. |
Irredeemable |
j.a. |
Joint account |
L.a. |
Letter of advice |
L.b. |
Long bill |
L.B. |
Life Boat |
L.C.D. |
Telegram Country Destination |
L.C.O. |
Telegram Country Origin |
L.h. |
Letter of hypothecation |
L.H. |
Lower Hold |
L.O.A. |
Length Overall |
L/C |
Letter of Credit |
L/D |
Letter of deposit |
Led. |
Ledger |
Liq. |
Liquidation,1iquidated/liquid |
Ltd. |
Limited |
m.d. |
Months date/months after date |
M.I.P. |
Marine Insurance Policy |
M.O. |
Money Order |
M.O.L.O.O. |
More or Less In Owner's Option |
m.p. |
Months after payment |
m.s. |
Months after sight, months sight |
M/R |
Mate's Receipt Ordino |
Marg. |
Margin |